Friday, January 22, 2010


I was surprised at the twist of events today. I played floorball and I ran the 100m shuttle run during PE lesson. I was the slowest runner in the shuttle run and I completed it during 19+ secs due to my shoes slipping out. I was a little disappointed with the results though but failures are the first step to success. But Stacius had an accident and resulted in swollen and bleeding fingers. The injury looked rather serious but he did not seem to want to apply ointment on it. Why do people want to keep their face? I just cannot understand. I was a little excited about having the first Science practical lesson. Well, my hopes of having a little fun was not dashed after all. The agar blocks are very reactive in the sense that they change colours the moment they are in contact with the hydrochloric acid. I was a little surprised when the agar blocks and the liquid turned totally pink. The best part was during the CCA session especially when the secondary ones did their first duty. I must admit that although I was a little shorter than most of them, I was still their senior. But I did not bully them the way the secondary twos did because I felt that this kind of behaviour should not be practised in this society. One thing though, I did not expect that the secondary ones did not respect me as their senior but I do not mind as long as they respect the others. Maybe, I should judge the minority as a whole. Anyway, i am looking forward to going for chess tomorrow!

A picture of VS library.

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